How to Get Bayer Relief Spray Without Vet Prescription

Take a look at your fingernails and then at the nails on your dog's paws, and it's easy to see how theirs are much better suited for scratching and itching. Both dogs and cats are adept at scratching, and they seemingly never lack energy when an itch needs to be scratched. However, there are times when the source of the skin irritation is so intense that no amount of scratching will suffice. As their owner, you wouldn't want to see them suffer. This may lead to questions about how to obtain Bayer relief spray without a vet prescription.
You can purchase it from your favorite pet store or order pet medication online from Canada to get the absolute lowest price on this itch relief spray for pets. Bayer Relief Spray is an over-the-counter (OTC) medication, meaning you don’t need a prescription to buy it. It's not only for dogs; it can also provide itch relief for horses. The active ingredient in the spray, pramoxine hydrochloride, has been FDA-approved since 1953. It is a topical anesthetic that reduces skin sensitivity to itching.
Horses arguably have it the worst regarding insect bites, although some dogs may spend nearly as much time outdoors. They likely don't sleep in barns, but let's stay on topic with how to get Bayer relief spray without a vet prescription. There are various minor dog skin irritations that can make them unbearably uncomfortable, causing them to scratch furiously.
Spray Some
Sunburns and rashes from plants like poison ivy or poison oak can also affect outdoor dogs, and all these conditions can be soothed effectively with Bayer relief spray. You'll probably never need to sleep in a barn yourself, and it’s equally unlikely anyone will ask for a prescription when you buy an OTC relief spray for pets.
That’s appropriate, as there are no ingredients in the spray that are harmful if applied excessively. However, if the itching doesn't seem to subside, you shouldn’t start dousing your dog, cat, or horse in this spray, thinking more volume will eventually bring relief. That would be unwise and may cause your pet to develop dry skin. So, the last point to make, loosely related to how to get Bayer relief spray without a vet prescription, is that you should always follow the label instructions and guidelines for OTC pet products, just as you would for prescription ones.