More on Effective Cat Arthritis Medicine

Everyone becomes a little stiffer and loses some of their mobility as they get older, but for people with arthritis the stiffness and soreness level goes to a whole other level. Same goes for our pets, and both dogs and cats can develop arthritis too. It's tough to watch of favorite furry friends go through this, but fortunately if you're a cat owner with one or more of them suffering from arthritis then you can give them cat arthritis medicine. There are pharmaceutical options, and then there are also natural cures for arthritis in cats too.
Buy Cat Arthritis Meds Without Vet Prescription
Buy FortifloraSome people will say that having arthritis is even more of a problem for cats than it is for dogs, considering how being especially nimble and able to jump up and down with ease is the way they are for most of their lives. Not suggesting it’s not a real bother for dogs too, but it will be tough for cat owners to see their guy or girl unable to leap up onto the sofa as spryly as they used to. The good news is cat arthritis medicine treatment isn’t particularly pricy, and the medication is usually very easy to administer.
Cat with arthritis? Not to worry too much, there’s plenty you can do to help them out.
Cat Arthritis Symptoms
It’s not going to be difficult to determine that something’s not right if your cat is well on its way to developing arthritis. The most common cat arthritis symptoms are limping, difficulty moving, hesitancy to jump up and put pressure on the hips and rear legs, changes in grooming habits, and general behavioral changes. The most standard change in grooming habits that will be seen in a cat with arthritis is seeing the cat struggle or give up on attempting to clean its fur by craning the head back to lick the fur of the lower body.
All cats will do this all through their lives if in good health, so if you see this in your cat he or she may be starting to experience arthritis. One thing to note as well is that it can be more difficult to tell if a cat has arthritis as compared to a dog. Cats have an inherent reluctance to show pain or vulnerability, and this is because of their wild ancestry as predators. They are conditioned to not show weakness. Another sign of cat arthritis that is less common but still should be mentioned is having them relieving themselves outside of the litterbox rather than in it.
Another sign you can look for is seeing your cat ‘eyeing up’ a jump or leap but then hesitating to make the move. If you are uncertain when trying to tell if a cat is getting arthritis then you always have the option of making an appointment with a veterinarian and getting a definitive diagnosis.
How to Treat Arthritis in Cats
Any discussion of how to treat arthritis in cats is going to lead to mentions of effective cat arthritis medicine. A good and effective arthritis medication for cats is likely going to be from the NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory) drug or corticosteroid drug classes. The most common of these meds for cat arthritis that veterinarians will prescribe are Meloxicam or Robenacoxib. Both are good choices, and it’s important to keep in mind that you can NOT ever give a cat an NSAID drug designed for humans.
It is very likely that your veterinarian will make Meloxicam or Robenacoxib their choice for your cat arthritis medicine, and while both are effective for relief of arthritis in cats they do come with the chance of side effects. None of these side effects is a major health concern, but a pet taking NSAID or corticosteroid cat arthritis may experience these side effects:
- Vomiting and diarrhea
- Reluctance to eat
- Lethargy and depression
- Excess thirst
- Discolored skin and / or gums
- Inability of wounds to heal
- Muscle weakness
- Fur loss
Plus, it is also important to know that excessively prolonged treatment with an NSAID can lead to renal (kidney) failure. If you cat is not responding to arthritis treatment with an NSAID med then you should speak with your veterinarian again rather than just continuing with the medication.
Cat Arthritis Medicine: Natural Choices
Cat arthritis symptoms won’t be overlooked by any caring cat owner, but some people will want to take a more natural approach for how to treat arthritis in cats. For natural arthritis cures for cats, your best choice is probably to give them glucosamine and / or chondroitin sulfate. These natural arthritis supplements for cats can be purchased at any natural pet health store and both work to protect and repair cartilage and improve the quality of joint fluid. Cartilage damage and lack of or lower quality synovial (joint) fluid are major causes of arthritis in cats.
Though you may not be aware of it, good digestive health and maintaining a healthy body weight can help a cat deal with arthritis. A strong supply of healthy gut flora is a part of good digestive health for cats and as such a product like Fortiflora that provides them with pet probiotics might be a good choice as an additional supplement. This probiotics for cats formula also contains high level of antioxidant Vitamins A, E, and C, and this helps counter the inflammation of cat arthritis too.
Other good options include having your veterinarian administer Adequan injections for joint inflammation with cats, or non-invasive cold laser therapy as an added approach along with cat arthritis medicine. Some people have arranged for their pet to have acupuncture for arthritis in cats or massage. Both can be helpful as well.
The last suggestion we’ll give for you today as natural arthritis supplement for cats is green-lipped mussel extract. It’s very effective, and it’s good because it usually comes in a powdered form that you can mix in with your cat’s food.