Heartworm medicines for dogs

Heartworm is a large parasite that can be found in your dog’s intestine. This parasite infects your pet through a mosquito. A mosquito acts as a transmitter for this disease; it can bite an infected animal and then pass the infection easily to your dog by biting it too.
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Buy Heartworm medicines for Dogs Buy Heartworm medicines for CatsHowever, there is also a series of events that have to take place for the heartworm to infect your dog. These events include the temperature of your dog and the heartworms ingested by the mosquito at the right life stage. Advanced heartworm infestations can have fatal side effects for your dog such as lethargy, reduced supply of oxygen, and bloody and chronic cough.
What are the signs of heartworm disease in dogs?
In the early stages of getting this disease, your canine may show few to no symptoms at all. The longer the infection persists and keeps going without any heartworm medicine, the more likely it is that symptoms will develop.
Active dogs or dogs that are heavily infected with heartworms start to show obvious clinical symptoms of this disease, and these symptoms appear after at least six months of the mosquito bite. As the worm will grow and multiply, the following symptoms will become more evident, and this will also increase the severity of the heartworm disease.
The symptoms of this disease appear in four classes of infection:
- Class One
This stage of infection has no symptoms at all, and it can only cause a mild cough.
- Class Two
Mild intolerance makes it easy to recognize this stage of heartworm disease during exercise, and the coughing is persistent.
- Class Three
This stage can be a dangerous yet still curable stage. This will result in greater intolerance during exercise, weak pulse, weight loss, decreased appetite, swollen belly, and even fainting due to a decrease in blood flow to the brain.
- Class Four
This stage of the disease is known as caval syndrome. This is the most dangerous stage of the disease and comes with life-threatening cardiovascular collapse. This collapse is marked by pale gums, labored breathing, dark or coffee colored urine. Moreover, these symptoms may lead to complete organ failure or death if not treated properly by heartworm medicine.
Why is it necessary to use heartworm medicine?
To prevent heartworm disease and to make sure that your dog’s life is not at risk, many dog owners buy heartworm medicine. These medications act as prevention from this disease and help kill the heartworm larvae in the dog’s intestines. This treatment is refreshed almost every month, and the preventative is controlled. These preventatives are basically a treatment for heartworm, and they help in avoiding a major infestation of heartworm disease.
If your dog has mild heartworm infestation, then there is nothing to worry about because this can be treated easily with heartworm medicine for dogs that have to be given over the course of several months. However, some heartworm medicines necessitate a monthly administration, whereas, some need to be controlled for more than a month. There are many choices of medications to choose from such as chewable medicines, oral medication as well as tropical products.
You can choose from the following heartworm medicine for dogs:
- Heartgard Plus for Dogs
- Tri-Heart Plus for Dogs
- Sentinel for Dogs
- Iverhart Max for Dogs
- Revolution for Dogs
- Advantage Multi for Dogs
Each of these pet medicines has their own side effects and benefits. Plus, some of these can even help treat other intestinal worms as well such as ringworm along with parasites like tick and fleas. So, make sure to pick one which provides good coverage for your dogs. Some of these are available as a topical liquid which must be applied to the dog’s skin. However, if your dog is an excited one, then it is better to go for those available in tablet form so that you can add it to the dog’s food.
If you are wondering where to buy heartworm medicine for dogs, then head on to World Pet Express and grab these medications without any vet prescription.
You can also read about other preventive measures regarding heartworm disease and make sure that your pup is protected completely. Keep in mind that once your dog is being treated for heartworm and is taking the medication, you need to focus on keeping him quiet. Dogs have to be kept quiet because as the worms began to die, they break up into small pieces, and this can cause a blockage of the pulmonary vessels if your dog exercises.
Keep heartworm medicine going all year long
Veterinarians have now recommended dog owners to give their dogs heartworm medicine all year round. In some areas of the country where mosquitoes are not very active due to the winter season, dog owners are in the habit of treating their dogs for this disease only for half the year.
However, due to the unpredictable seasonal temperature changes recently, the American Heartworm Society has now recommended that year-round treatment must be done for dogs in every city. This new advice is good practice as it will help you protect and treat your dog for heartworms no matter what the season is. Keep in mind that the mosquito species is changing and adapting itself to the colder climates and due to this, year-round prevention is highly recommended.
You can also protect your dog by keeping it safe from a mosquito. This may seem impossible; however, you can lessen the risk by keeping it inside the house and making sure you have sprays and mosquito killing plugs in the house to avoid this disease from latching itself on your dog.
Buy Heartworm medicines for Dogs Buy Heartworm medicines for CatsWhere to buy heartworm medicine for dogs?
You can find medications that not only help prevent heartworm infections but also remove other parasites such as mites, ticks, fleas, hookworms, whipworms, and roundworms easily, here. Whatever medications you choose, make sure to know what other parasites the medicine treats so that you can remain worry-free. Remember, your dog is a loyal friend, and you must take care of it well!