Feed Your Dog Interceptor Plus to Protect From Worms

Greyhounds may be the fastest dogs on earth, but they’ve got some competition from Salukis, Afghan hounds, Vizslas, and Ibizan Hounds. But no matter how fast a dog is, it is not going to escape fleas and other parasites most of the time. It’s not that they couldn’t outrun these microscopic critters and worms. They would definitely leave them in the dust but all it takes is being stationary for one second for the parasite to hop on and get up to no good. Worms are just as much of a risk as fleas, if not more. So the question is how often to deworm dogs? When you need to, Interceptor Spectrum is what you need.
This worm prevention medication for dogs is ideal because it makes it so that the answer to how often to deworms dogs is just once a month. And not only that, but Interceptor Spectrum is also a chewable medication that is beef flavoured. Surely, we don’t need to explain how that makes it pretty much impossible that your dog won’t happily take this worm killer tablet and gulp it down every month. If only it were so simple with all types of pets and all types of instances where owners are just trying to do right by their pets. Ever tried to give a cat a bath?
At least dogs are much more okay with water and getting shampooed, but neither animal is going to be okay at all with the incessant itching caused by flea bites. But the thing for pet owners is that all that scratching that occurs in response to it is a very recognizable sign that the animals has fleas. Flea and tick prevention meds work well, but when a dog has worms it is not so easy to detect your pet has a parasite.
There’s plenty of reasons why knowing how often to deworm dogs is important, and we’ll start by looking at the most dastardly of all these worms – heartworms – because it is hard to tell a dog has them just by observing their behaviour. And once you do notice something is wrong, it may be too late to avoid some very dire situations.
Have you been able to go your entire life without being bitten by a mosquito? Me neither, and truth of the matter is everyone probably gets more than a few mosquito bites every summer even if you don’t wander out into the woods in shorts and a t-shirt. Dogs can’t avoid being bitten either, but one risk they have from mosquito bites that we don’t is having heartworm microfilaria passed into the bloodstream from the bite. When they grow into worms and make their way into the heart it’s the start of something very bad.
That is unless your dog is taking a heartworm preventative medication, and Interceptor Spectrum not only kills heartworms, but it also spells an end of the line for roundworms, hookworms, and whipworms inside your furry friend. Admittedly it doesn’t kill tapeworms, but tapeworms are the least dangerous of the bunch, although they can cause a dog to be visibly emaciated. Signs of a tapeworm infection are much easier to spot, provided your okay with having a look at your dog’s ‘doo’ for them.
Hookworms are also bad and especially if you’re a homeowner with a fenced backyard where your dog spends a lot of time. That’s because these worms can be on the grass, and they can infect humans through the palms of their feet if stepped on. Plenty of kids out there than enjoy running around the backyard barefoot in summertime, and that’s the way it should be. Rather than insisting they put on footwear it’s best to use a dewormer medication for dogs. And how often to deworm dogs? Most of these chewables are once-a-month types.
Diet Revisions Too
So now that we know how to deworm a dog, how about other approaches you can try alongside using a worm prevention medication for dogs? Turns out there are foods that you can feed your dog that will make it less likely that they get worms. Pumpkin seeds contain an ingredient called curcurbitin that can paralyze worms in the intestines and digestive tract. Pumpkin seeds are easy to grind up and mix into your dog’s food.
Kefir is a fermented milk product and the living organisms in it have anti-parasitic properties. You can make your own Kefir and do the same thing, mixing it into your dogs food. Other good foods for preventing worms in dogs are:
- Carrots
- Oats
- Coconut
- Grapefruit seed extract
Any of these ones might be something you want to try if you’re keen to know how often to deworm dogs as well as make sure you’re eliminating the problem as entirely as possible.