What Can I Spray on My Dog to Stop Itching

It is tough for dog owners to see their beloved pets going through the torment of itchy skin. It’s not just flea or insect bites that can cause severe itching; there can be other causes. A good spray can deliver pet itch relief for allergic skin reactions, such as when your dog comes into contact with poison ivy, a plant commonly found in the US, Canada, Mexico, and Central America. So, you may be asking, "What can I spray on my dog to stop itching?" Bayer Relief Spray is a good choice, and it can also be used for cat itch relief.
Colloidal oatmeal has been a natural itch reliever for generations. Bayer Relief Spray is a humectant formula with colloidal oatmeal paired with Pramoxine, a topical anesthetic that suppresses the itch-causing inflammation following a bite or contact with a poisonous plant. Many itch relief medications for humans, used for rashes and hemorrhoids, contain Pramoxine too. However, dogs do not get hemorrhoids. Anal fissures and hemorrhoids are different, and this pet relief spray is intended only for itches and rashes.
Colloidal oatmeal can also help with flaking from dry skin. Bayer Relief Spray contains omega-6 fatty acids and other hydrating ingredients that can help moisturize the dog’s coat. This medicated spray offers the same benefits when used on cats. Along with answering the question, "What can I spray on my dog to stop itching?", you may also want to provide the same relief to a horse. Fortunately, Bayer Dog Itch Spray is suitable for use on larger animals as well.
Sight the Source
The next point in relation to "What can I spray on my dog to stop itching?" is to be mindful if the itching continues. If biting insects have been eliminated as the suspected cause of your pet’s torment, it may be that they have developed a contact allergy. In some instances, a dog's food allergy can cause severe skin irritation or a rash. It is uncommon, but it can happen and may be a reason why dogs get itchy.
If this becomes the scenario with your dog, then you’ll need to consult your veterinarian to see what course of treatment they recommend. However, if your dog’s experience with itchiness is always incidental, then keeping this excellent pet itch relief spray around is definitely recommended. To conclude, for "What can I spray on my dog to stop itching?", note that you can order OTC pet medications like this one for much less from a Canadian online pet pharmacy like World Pet Express.