What Causes Digestive Issues in Dogs

Anytime someone says a certain dish or food doesn’t ‘agree’ with their stomach it has nothing to do with organs and edibles thinking the same way. Instead, it means that whatever food it is they are talking causing them to have an upset stomach or indigestion. Dogs can’t verbally express that, although Scooby Doo would be able to tell you he has never met a food he didn’t like. But for the rest of them it is up to pet owners to determine what causes digestive issues in dogs and if Homeopet Digestive Upsets might be a fix.
There can be any number of different reasons, ranging from ingestion of spoiled food to more chronic ones like undiagnosed food allergies. Conditions like delayed gastric emptying can affect pets too, and what will lead dog owners to see a veterinarian is if their pet has regular vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence, or is unable to relieve gas buildup. Even chronic bad breath in dogs may be enough of a cause for concern to make an appointment.
It is always good to be safe with your pet’s health, but in any of these instances when you are asking what causes digestive issues in dogs the vet may tell you that all that is required is an OTC pet digestion aid medication like Digestive Upsets. Most of those people will like that it is an all-natural solution for, dog indigestion and it can be used for cats too. Good thing, as while cats are the more finicky eaters of the two, it seems that when a cat is experiencing gastrointestinal turmoil, it is more of an issue.
Diet Review
So once an owner determines something is not right with their dog’s tummy, they will then move to how to treat digestive issues in dogs. One good thing to be aware of is that if you suspect a food allergy is the cause of the indigestion in your dog then it is possible for animals to have blood serum food allergy tests just the same way it is for humans, and if that’s not an option then you can also do a food elimination diet for pets. This can be a way to determine what causes digestive issues in dogs.
It is quite simple - you remove a food and then over time you will reintroduce it to their diet and continue with different food until the removal of one food causes digestive upset symptoms to disappear and then reappear once the dog starts eating that food again. This is a good point to interject quickly and say that it is always best to serve them high quality dog food, and especially if your dog is prone to greasy flatulence. That is a digestive ailment for dogs, especially if you’re one of the people who lets your dog sleep in your bed.
That is all for what causes digestive issues in dogs here, but if the cause of a bad tummy continues to escape you then you will need to see a veterinarian.