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k9 advantix

K9 Advantix

Also known as: Advantix

Pet Size

Don't know your pet's weight?

If you can't get them on the scale, try this super simple method:

  1. Weigh yourself.
  2. Weigh yourself holding your pet.
  3. Subtract the two numbers to get their weight.

Too heavy to hold? Your vet will weigh them if you ask (or may already have it on file if you call).


No Prescription Required

  • Description

    K9 Avantix or Advecta is a topical flea and tick solution that begins killing fleas and ticks within 12 hours of being applied and is also able to eliminate chewing lice and deter mosquitos, giving your dog or cat reliable protection from all the biting and itchiness that comes with these problems. Part of why K9 Advantix is so well regarded among pet owners is because it also works to kill flea eggs and larvae and you’ll soon begin to see your pet being less bothered by these pests. Both Advecta for cats and Advecta for dogs are good choices for the extreme itching caused by flea allergy dermatitis too.

    Order K9 Advantix from World Pet Express and get the best price on this effective flea and tick medication for dogs or cats.


    Purchase either the small, medium, large, or extra-large dog size of K9 Advantix and follow the application directions exactly as provided. After opening the applicator you spread the fur at the base of your pet’s neck and apply the entirety of the dosage directly onto the skin. Allow it to spread on its own, do not use your fingers or any other implement.

    Repeat once a month at the same time each month. Do not exceed once-a-month application, even if you believe the product is not as effective as you’d expected. Speak with your veterinarian if you have these concerns.

    The product is waterproof but allow the product to sit for 24 hours before allowing dog to swim or get wet.


    Imidacloprid / Permethrin / Pryriproxyfen


    See back of panel for First Aid information. See supplemental labelling inside package for direction for use and safety precautions.


    There are no known interaction risks between use of K9 Advantix for dogs and cats and any other pet supplement or Rx medication.

    Side Effects

    Side effects related to the use of K9 Advantix of Advecta for dogs or cats are uncommon, but may include lethargy, vomiting, skin irritation, nausea, or agitation. Any such symptoms that no do subside or increase should lead you to discontinue use and see your veterinarian.

    Frequently Asked Questions about K9 Advantix

    What are the side effects of K9 Advantix?

    Common side effects of K9 Advantix may include skin irritation at the application site. If you notice any unusual symptoms, consult your veterinarian.

    Is K9 Advantix safe?

    K9 Advantix is generally safe for dogs when used as directed. However, always consult your vet before starting any new treatment.

    Does K9 Advantix expire?

    Yes, K9 Advantix has an expiration date. Always check the packaging for the expiration date and use within that timeframe.

    How long does K9 Advantix take to work?

    K9 Advantix starts working within 12 hours of application. It kills fleas and ticks through contact, so they don’t need to bite your dog to be affected.

    How does K9 Advantix work?

    K9 Advantix contains active ingredients (imidacloprid, permethrin, and pyriproxyfen) that kill adult fleas, flea eggs, and larvae. It also targets ticks, mosquitoes, and lice.

    How to apply K9 Advantix?

    Before applying, remove your dog’s collar, part the hair at the shoulder blades, apply the entire content of the tube evenly to specified spots along your dog’s back, allow it to dry naturally, and record the treatment date for monthly application.

    Does K9 Advantix kill fleas?

    Yes, K9 Advantix kills fleas through contact, without requiring them to bite your dog.

    Is K9 Advantix safe for puppies?

    K9 Advantix is safe for puppies over 7 weeks old and weighing at least 3 pounds. Choose the correct product based on your puppy’s weight.

    How long does K9 Advantix take to dry?

    Allow K9 Advantix to dry naturally after application. Avoid touching the treated area until it’s dry.

    Can I use K9 Advantix twice in a month?

    No, K9 Advantix should be applied once a month. Follow the recommended dosage and application instructions.

    Can I touch my dog after applying Advantix?

    After applying K9 Advantix, avoid touching the treated area until it’s fully dry. This ensures proper absorption and effectiveness.

    Product Code : 9293

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