Pet Adoption During Pandemic? Some Basics for Dog and Cat Health

All this time primarily at home during the pandemic has made a lot of people put even more of a premium on is having great relationships in their lives. Pets are so wonderful for many people in the way they bring so much joy to couples and families, and it’s not too surprising to learn that pet adoptions and pet rescues have increased dramatically over the last near year during the pandemic. Every pet owner is going to ensure their new pet’s good health, and pet medications will be a part of that.
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A flea and tick preventative and dewormer medication are a must for all dogs, but they’re usually a wise choice for cats too and especially if you live in a more rural area and it’s fine for your cat to wander away from the house for long stretches of the day. But there are other pet medications that you may need for your new dog or cat too, and it’s good to know that you may be able to order pet medication from Canada online and get a better price than you’d pay in your part of the States.
And there are surely going to be a whole lot more new pet owners as many people are moving into just those types of areas now that remote work is very possible for a lot of different types of professionals able to work digitally. There’s all sorts of other reasons why more and more households are adding a pet during the pandemic, and what that’s created is a situation where animals shelters are sometimes nearly completely empty of pets available for adoption.
Is that a good thing? Absolutely it is, and especially if you believe that the majority of these animals are going to good homes. What they’ll need is love first and foremost, and fortunately that’s free. Next they’ll need to get pet vaccinations and then last but not least there will be at least some expense for getting your dog or cat on the necessary pet medications.
Start with Preventatives
There’s no such thing as a good parasite, but when it comes to the ones that are threats to your pet’s health then there isn’t any of them that is more dangerous than heartworms. All parasitic worms are going to be harmful, but a heartworm infestation is going to put your pet’s life in real danger. The problem with heartworms is that it can be difficult to know your pet has them until it may be too late to avoid worst-case scenarios. This is why it’s always good to know the signs of a heartworm infection in dogs or signs of heartworms for cats.
Here’s what most pet owners do to have an all-in-one solution for parasite prevention with pets, and it’s what you can do too if you’ve decided on a new furry addition to the family – choose a flea, tick, and worm prevention medication like Revolution Plus that kills flea and ticks, flea eggs and larvae (so they can’t recolonize) and heartworms. But the effectiveness of a pet medication like this one doesn’t stop there. Revolution plus also kills hookworms, roundworms, and whipworms too to make it a 6-in-1 parasite prevention medication for pets.
So now we’ll turn the topic of discussion back to rescued pets. Adopting a pet from a shelter is great and anyone who does should be commended, but in our opinion if you’re adopting a rescue pet who’s been taken out of an awful situation then you’re an even better person! In addition, there are some who believe that rescued animals actually make better house pets.
Whether that’s true or not is probably a very subjective matter, but one thing that does tend to be true about rescue pets is this; you need to be extra vigilant about any existing health ailments they may have had before you adopted them. This of course starts with a full health checkup for your new dog or cat that’s performed by a veterinarian.
Consider ALL Pets for Adoption
One of the things that’s really good about the news of near-empty Animal shelters is that it means that older cats and dogs are being adopted too. If you’re an animal lover, it’s this understanding that really warms your heart because it is oh so true that older animals can be wonderful pets just like dogs and cats that are just past being puppies or kittens.
The same types of precautions and need for certain pet medications will also apply to an older dog or cat being adopted, but one thing that may be different is how you’ll want to be proactive in maintaining your pet’s eyesight. This is especially true for dogs as they move past middle age, as dog are more prone to vision degeneration than cats are. All dogs love to eat, so one thing you can do is feed them foods that help to support a dog’s good vision.
So as the global pandemic stretches into year 2 and there’s still a whole lot of focus on being home, maybe you too are talking about adopting a pet. Go for it!