Why You Should Choose Profender For Cats

When you have a pet, it's important that you take care of them. And part of that is making sure that your cat's insides are clean and free of parasites. Profender for cats is a safe and effective anti-worm treatment that's easy to use and will help keep your pet happy and healthy.
The Best Tapeworm Medicine for Cats
You need to be careful when you're choosing worming medication for the feline member of your family. You need an all- in-one wormer that's easy to use, safe, and effective and Profender Spot on for cats is a perfect solution to your worm concerns.
Profender for cats contains emodepside and praziquantel, which work in concern to treat and control hookworm, roundworm and tapeworm infestations. These are the three most common types of worms in cats, and can cause a variety of problems if left untreated. They can also pass to humans who are in regular contact with your cat.
Profender is a topical dewormer, so you can apply it to your cat's skin and avoid the whole problem of trying to get them to swallow the tablet or liquid. This easy treatment method is a huge bonus when it comes to worm treatments, as cats can be very difficult to give tablets to.
The Danger of Worm Infestations
If your cat becomes infested by worms, it can affect their health and the health of your family. Most often, your cat will get worms by coming into contact with eggs while they're outside, so unless they're strictly indoor cats they will need to be wormed regularly to avoid the problems these pests can cause. Profender for cats can be used to treat the following types of infestations:
- Hookworms: intestinal parasites that can cause diarrhea, skin irritations, anaemia and weight loss. Humans can also become infected.
- Tapeworm: cats who become infected with these worms rarely show symptoms, but the parasites can pass to humans and cause serious illnesses and diseases.
- Roundworms: intestinal parasites that can cause vomiting, poor overall health and weight loss. They are very contagious, and humans can easily contract them from their pets.
How to Use Profender
Applying Profender for cats is quick and simple. A single dose is enough to treat and prevent worm infections, but it can be repeated after thirty days if necessary. Apply the treatment as follows:
- Weigh your cat to ensure that you give them the correct dose.
- Remove one tube from the package.
- Hold the tube upright and remove the cap.
- Put the top of the cap against the top of the tube and twist to break the protective seal.
- Hold the cat firmly and part the fur at the base of its neck to reveal the skin.
- Put the tip of the tub against the skin and squeeze until the tube is empty. Let the cat go.
- If you're treating more than one pet, keep them apart to prevent licking until the treatment has dried.
Profender Doses
The amount of Profender required depends on the weight of your cat, so there are two strengths available to cover all size cats. The medication strengths are:
- .70 ml tubes for cats between 5.6 - 11 pounds
- 1.2 ml tubes for cats 11.1 - 17.6 pounds
- For cats over the maximum weight, use a combination of tubes
Profrender for cats shouldn't be used on cats under the age of eight weeks or on cats that weigh less than 2.2 pounds because the medication will be too strong for their system and can cause adverse effects. Don't use Profender on cats that are pregnant or breastfeeding and see your vet before treatment if your cat is sick or has a medical condition. Also, Profender doesn't treat heartworm, so make sure you find additional medication for this complaint if your cat needs it.
Potential Side Effects
In most circumstances, Profender spot on for cats is a safe medication that can be used to treat several different types of worms. However, as with any medications there are a few adverse reactions that you should look out for. Most of these reactions are not life threatening and occur for a limited amount of time. However, you should still talk to your vet if your cat reacts badly to this medication. The most common side effects include:
- Licking and grooming the site
- Scratching
- Excess salivation
- Lethargy
- Alopecia (hair loss)
- Shaking
- Diarrhea
- Agitation/nervousness
- Vomiting
- Eye irritation
- Respiratory irritation
Health Warnings For Humans
The medications in Profender for cats can be irritating if the liquid comes into contact with your hands or eyes, so make sure to wash your hands after the treatment. If the medication does come into contact with your eyes, flush them with water and visit your doctor if the discomfort continues. And make sure you consult with a medical professional as soon as possible if you or a member of your family ingests the medication.
Profender for cats can be toxic or dangerous for certain members of your family. Children should avoid touching a treated animal for 24 hours or until the medication is fully absorbed into the cat's system to avoid getting the medications on their hands or skin. And pregnant women should also avoid direct contact with the medications and the treatment site.